
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

How To Get Ride OF These Red Spots From Your Body


These red spots that we don’t recognize can pop up on our skin out of nowhere! While most skin growths are harmless, some can be dangerous. In medical point of view when a red bump or rash is flat, it is  known as a macule. When the red spot is raised, it is known as a papule. Erythema is the medical term for redness of the skin. Red spots on the skin that occur singly can be a small benign tumor of blood vessels, known as a hemangioma. If you have these red spots, here is what they are.

Often times we will have a speck of skin rise to the surface. Sometimes their warts, moles, or skin tags. But sometimes these growths can be an indicator of cancer! Cancer that usually pops up as a skin growth is known as melanoma. It is a tumor of melanin-forming cells, typically a malignant tumor associated with skin cancer. However, all growths are not dangerous. People can grow moles out of nowhere, with no known cause. You can have them for life, as they are usually completely harmless.

Recently people have noticed an outbreak of these red spots! It is important to be informed when it comes to skin growths that haven’t always been there. They are usually on various parts of the body, and I’m going to tell you what you can do about them. They most commonly appear in people over the age of 40. However, it is still possible for them to show up in adolescents and children too.

Dermatologists explain that the red spots are small capillary dilations. These capillary dilation’s occur as a result of vascular system malfunctions. You most commonly see them on the upper arms and on the chest. They are either scattered around or packed tightly in together. There is no reason to worry about these red spots, as they are 100% benign. However, if they are a cosmetic issue for you, you can have them surgically removed. You can also use many natural remedies to get rid of them! But, don’t worry – you don’t have cancer.

source = “hlf-team.com/do-you-have-these-red-spots-on-various-parts-of-your-body-should-you-worry-what-should-you-do/”

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