
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Remove Every Poison from the Body in Just 2 Days with a Detox Plan for the Weekend


UNFORTUNATELY, toxic agents are everywhere in our world. Yes, toxic agents and chemicals are present in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the household cleaners we spray, and the electronics we use on a daily basis. The experts also warn that toxic free radicals are formed in our bodies as well. Stress hormones, emotional disturbances, anxiety and negative emotions create free radicals as well. Living without toxic buildup is virtually impossible, which is why our body has built in mechanisms to deal with toxic overload.

Can I ask you something – did you know that crying, sweating, urination and defecation are all natural protocols employed by the body to clear it-self of toxins. So, these toxins can be very dangerous for our body and health in general if they are ignored.

Ladies and gentlemen, this means one thing – it’s very important to detoxify your body from time to time. You should cleanse your body from all harmful toxins! And after that you will feel refreshed and full of energy!

Two Day Detoxication Plan:

First of all, you should drink 250ml (8.4oz) warm water, immediately after you wake up on empty stomach.

1 Day

  • 4 oz / 250 ml water,
  • green tea,
  • a cup of oat akes with a spoon of linseed,
  • 7 oz/ 200 ml almond milk or diet yogurt,
  • ½ cup fresh grained fruits (example: blueberry)
  • 4 oz /250 ml water,
  • grilled hake (250 g),
  • Swiss chard with potatoes on olive oil,
  • 2 cups of salad (green, arugula, tomato) prepared with olive oil or lemon juice,
  • slice of melon,
  • banana,
  • apple,
  • 6 oz /180 ml ordinary yogurt,
  • ¼ cup pumpkin seed,
  • 4 oz / 250 ml water.
  • A piece of tuna grilled on a barbecue or in a foil (150 g),
  • 2 cups salad with olive oil and lemon juice,
  • ½ cup vegetable prepared on a steam (broccoli or spinach),
  • a little integral pastry,
  • 4 oz / 250 ml water,
  • Anise tea.

2 Day

  • A cup of oat akes with a spoon of linseed,
  • 200 ml almond milk or diet yogurt,
  • green tea
  • Pear.
  • 200g chicken breasts on a barbecue,
  • vegetable soup (carrot, beans, onions, pepper, celery, potato),
  • pickle (150g),
  • 250 ml water.
  • Grapefruit
  • carrot and beet salad,
  • with lemon juice added,
  • a little integral pastry,
  • nettle tea.
You Will Get Amazing result:

After the Two Day Detoxication plan, your body will be toxins free and you will feel refreshed and full of energy!


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