
Thursday, June 27, 2019

How To Get Rid of Acne and Scars Overnight -> Simple Homemade Remedy


Acne scars, age spots, wrinkles, blemishes, are often the source of major insecurity . There are numerous factors that can affect your skin, from sun exposure, to chemicals in our makeup.

Most people who struggle with scars, pimples, acne and sun spots and other skin issues, always end up spending thousands on stores buying the most expensive products to get rid of these issues. The problem here, is that these products are often loaded with harmful chemical, besides, some of them cause you dependence, which means that whenever you stop using them, all the pimples and wrinkles can shine on your face again.

Today I’m going to share an amazing face mask recipe that can get you rid of acne scars, pimples and wrinkles, overnight.

Honey: being a good source of antioxidants, honey will protect your skin from cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for accelerating the aging process, and in this case, they may result in ne lines and dark spots and pimples on your face. Honey has the ability to moisturize, hydrate and tighten the skin.

Baking Soda: it is an alkaline substance that has antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and antiinammatory properties. Baking soda deeply cleanses skin by absorbing the excess of oil and clear all the scars from the skin. In addition, it balances pH level on the skin, which is very important to maintain an even skin tone and a glowing texture and reduce further breakouts.

Apple Cider Vinegar: it contains alpha hydroxyl acids that remove dead skin to reveal healthy and vibrant new skin. It is also a potent antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral that helps ght bacteria that causes acne.

How to get Rid of Acne and Scars Overnight ?

  • Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Honey


1. In a small bowl mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey.
2. Mix it well until you achieve a paste that will basically look like a cream.
3. Wash your face with lukewarm water to open your pores and remove your makeup
4. Use a soft cloth to dry your face
5. Apply the mask evenly on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes
6. Wash it off with warm water and then with cold water to close the pores.
7. Apply a moisturizer.

Good Result:

This recipe is very famous for its fast results, but in case you don’t see the results right after the rst application, don’t freak out. You must always consider that we all have different types of skin, besides, you should also consider that if you have been struggling with scars, acne or pimples, for months, they will not go away in one night. For better and faster results apply this mask daily or four times a week.

It is recommended to apply this mask at night, in this way you will avoid sun exposure right after applying the mask on your face. In fact, it is always safe to avoid sun exposure right after applying any face mask, because it can create dark spots or increase your pimples or acne.

Try this face mask as fast as you can, so that you can see the results by yourself.

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