
Friday, June 28, 2019

Fat Burning and Weight Loss Exercises for Women


If you’re looking to set your internal systems to fat-burning-furnace mode and absolutely melt body fat as quickly as possible, the following exercises are your secret sauce for robust weight loss and sculpting an improved, lean physique.

For maximal impact integrate each fat-burning exercise into your existing workout schedule, or create a circuit out of all 12 to form one fat-torching full-body workout.

1. Lunges:

This is a very effective exercise to get your thighs into great shape. Push into your heel and return to your starting position. This exercise is very effective for the thigh muscles. It elevates the heart rate and help to burn fat faster.

How to do:
  • Stand with your feet slightly apart and ex your abdominal muscles.
  • Step forward with your left leg, while your torso stays straight.
  • Bend your knee until it forms a 90-degree angle

2. Hip Dips

How to do:
  • Get in a forearm plank position and roll to one side in forearm side plank position.
  • After you get your balance, place your free hand on your hip and start dipping your lower hip to the oor up and down.
  • Do 15 reps on each side.

3. Dumbbell Side Bend

How to do:
  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip width apart.
  • Bend from your waist to your left side as low as you can and at the same time sweep your arms in an arch overhead as you bend.
  • Straighten up and repeat on the other side.
  • Keep alternating and do 20 reps

4. Tummy Tuck

How to do:
  • Stand with your feet apart and abs tight.
  • Bend forward with your legs straight and walk forward with your hands until you are in a plank position.
  • Bend your right knee and try to touch it to your right elbow.
  • Now take that knee to the center and touch your chest.
  • Now take it to the left and touch it to your left elbow
  • Straighten back the leg and repeat with your left leg.
  • Keep alternating and do 15 reps.

5. Deadlifts

How to do:
  • Start with your back slightly forward and your knees bent.
  • Holding a barbell or dumbbells near your shins, come up with straight shoulders and a straight back.
  • Remember to lift your barbell close to your body and end right below the waist.
  • REPS: 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps each.

6. Squats

How to do:
  • Starting with bent knees and holding weights or a medicine ball, move your butt down into a seated position and go back up into a standing position. For this move, Ryan says it’s important to use some type of weight to actually burn fat.
  • REPS: 4 sets, 12 to 15 reps each.

7. Flat Bench Press On a Ball

How to do:
  • Balance on your back on a stability ball and bring your arms towards the center using dumbbells.
  • Ryan says if you’re having diculty balancing, try using a smaller weight.
  • REPS: 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps each.

8. Bicycle Crunches

How to do:
  • Lay at on your back with your hands behind your head.
  • Raise your legs so that they are 1–2 feet (0.3–0.6 m) above the ground.
  • Bend your left knee and bring it toward your head and twist your body so that your right elbow meets your left knee.
  • Now, straighten your left leg and do the same thing on the other side, touching your right knee to your left elbow.
  • Do 15-20 of these for one rep, increasing reps as you get stronger.

9. Russian Twists

How to do:
  • Sit on the ground with your back straight and your feet extended out in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and keep your feet at on the oor.
  • Bend backward slightly so that your back is at a little less than 90 degrees. Hold a 5-10-pound dumbbell in your hands and twist your body toward the left, lowering the dumbbell halfway to the oor.
  • Bring your body back to the original position, and then do the same thing on the right side. Repeat 20-25 times.

10. Side Planks

How to do:
  • Start off in a side plank position with your right elbow supporting you, and your left arm resting on your hips. Make sure that your body is totally straight, and hold the position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side with your left elbow supporting you. You can ip op a few times between sides.

11. Jump Rope:

Jump rope is not just a fun exercise, it also has great tness benets for grown-ups as well. Jumping rope workout is an excellent total-body exercise to condition and strengthen the heart, tone the arms, legs and core. It’s also a great cardio to shed some extra calories and fat.

How to do:
  • To start, grab the handles with a comfortable grip.
  • Turn the rope by turning your wrists in circular.
  • Swing the rope over your head and jump as it passes your feet.
  • You don’t have to jump high – just enough to clear the rope.
  • Land evenly on both feet. Continue for one minute, then rest for one minute.

12. Wall Sit:

Wall sit or wall squat is a simple body-weight exercise that will test the strength and endurance of your lower body. But be warned. This exercise works a little different than the typical body weight squats since you’re holding your body in a static position for a certain period of time.

How to do:
  • To start, lean against the wall with your feet hip-width apart planted rmly on the ground.
  • Your feet also should be about 2 feet away from the wall.Now brace your abs and slowly slide down the wall with your back pressed against the wall until your legs are bent at the 90 degree angle.
  • This angle is very crucial because if your thighs are not parallel to the ground, your leg muscles will not get a workout.
  • Knees should be directly above your ankles and your back should be touching the wall at all times.
  • Hold this position for 20-60 seconds.


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