
Friday, June 28, 2019

How To Get Rid Of Hypertension, Gout, Hemorrhoids And Bones Pain With This Natural Recipe

This is a natural remedy that can be used to prevent and cure many diseases. Having numerous benets for the body, this recipe boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, prevents colds and infections and treats diseases such as gout, hemorrhoids, arthritis and joint pain.

You need:
  • ½ cup of fresh lemon juice
  • ½ cup of ginger juice
  • 25 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup of organic apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup of honey

How to prepare:

Mix in a bowl ½ cup of fresh lemon juice and half a cup of ginger juice. In a blender, put 25 the garlic cloves and mix them at high speed. Over the obtained garlic paste add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix in blender then add 1 cup of honey the lemon and the ginger juices.

Stir the mixture in the blender then put it in a glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator at least 5 days, stirring occasionally.

Take 2 teaspoons dissolved in a glass of warm water daily. Consume this remedy before breakfast on an empty stomach. You can consume this mixture even in the evening before bedtime.

Fat Burning and Weight Loss Exercises for Women

If you’re looking to set your internal systems to fat-burning-furnace mode and absolutely melt body fat as quickly as possible, the following exercises are your secret sauce for robust weight loss and sculpting an improved, lean physique.

For maximal impact integrate each fat-burning exercise into your existing workout schedule, or create a circuit out of all 12 to form one fat-torching full-body workout.

1. Lunges:

This is a very effective exercise to get your thighs into great shape. Push into your heel and return to your starting position. This exercise is very effective for the thigh muscles. It elevates the heart rate and help to burn fat faster.

How to do:
  • Stand with your feet slightly apart and ex your abdominal muscles.
  • Step forward with your left leg, while your torso stays straight.
  • Bend your knee until it forms a 90-degree angle

2. Hip Dips

How to do:
  • Get in a forearm plank position and roll to one side in forearm side plank position.
  • After you get your balance, place your free hand on your hip and start dipping your lower hip to the oor up and down.
  • Do 15 reps on each side.

3. Dumbbell Side Bend

How to do:
  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip width apart.
  • Bend from your waist to your left side as low as you can and at the same time sweep your arms in an arch overhead as you bend.
  • Straighten up and repeat on the other side.
  • Keep alternating and do 20 reps

4. Tummy Tuck

How to do:
  • Stand with your feet apart and abs tight.
  • Bend forward with your legs straight and walk forward with your hands until you are in a plank position.
  • Bend your right knee and try to touch it to your right elbow.
  • Now take that knee to the center and touch your chest.
  • Now take it to the left and touch it to your left elbow
  • Straighten back the leg and repeat with your left leg.
  • Keep alternating and do 15 reps.

5. Deadlifts

How to do:
  • Start with your back slightly forward and your knees bent.
  • Holding a barbell or dumbbells near your shins, come up with straight shoulders and a straight back.
  • Remember to lift your barbell close to your body and end right below the waist.
  • REPS: 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps each.

6. Squats

How to do:
  • Starting with bent knees and holding weights or a medicine ball, move your butt down into a seated position and go back up into a standing position. For this move, Ryan says it’s important to use some type of weight to actually burn fat.
  • REPS: 4 sets, 12 to 15 reps each.

7. Flat Bench Press On a Ball

How to do:
  • Balance on your back on a stability ball and bring your arms towards the center using dumbbells.
  • Ryan says if you’re having diculty balancing, try using a smaller weight.
  • REPS: 4 sets, 10 to 12 reps each.

8. Bicycle Crunches

How to do:
  • Lay at on your back with your hands behind your head.
  • Raise your legs so that they are 1–2 feet (0.3–0.6 m) above the ground.
  • Bend your left knee and bring it toward your head and twist your body so that your right elbow meets your left knee.
  • Now, straighten your left leg and do the same thing on the other side, touching your right knee to your left elbow.
  • Do 15-20 of these for one rep, increasing reps as you get stronger.

9. Russian Twists

How to do:
  • Sit on the ground with your back straight and your feet extended out in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and keep your feet at on the oor.
  • Bend backward slightly so that your back is at a little less than 90 degrees. Hold a 5-10-pound dumbbell in your hands and twist your body toward the left, lowering the dumbbell halfway to the oor.
  • Bring your body back to the original position, and then do the same thing on the right side. Repeat 20-25 times.

10. Side Planks

How to do:
  • Start off in a side plank position with your right elbow supporting you, and your left arm resting on your hips. Make sure that your body is totally straight, and hold the position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat on the other side with your left elbow supporting you. You can ip op a few times between sides.

11. Jump Rope:

Jump rope is not just a fun exercise, it also has great tness benets for grown-ups as well. Jumping rope workout is an excellent total-body exercise to condition and strengthen the heart, tone the arms, legs and core. It’s also a great cardio to shed some extra calories and fat.

How to do:
  • To start, grab the handles with a comfortable grip.
  • Turn the rope by turning your wrists in circular.
  • Swing the rope over your head and jump as it passes your feet.
  • You don’t have to jump high – just enough to clear the rope.
  • Land evenly on both feet. Continue for one minute, then rest for one minute.

12. Wall Sit:

Wall sit or wall squat is a simple body-weight exercise that will test the strength and endurance of your lower body. But be warned. This exercise works a little different than the typical body weight squats since you’re holding your body in a static position for a certain period of time.

How to do:
  • To start, lean against the wall with your feet hip-width apart planted rmly on the ground.
  • Your feet also should be about 2 feet away from the wall.Now brace your abs and slowly slide down the wall with your back pressed against the wall until your legs are bent at the 90 degree angle.
  • This angle is very crucial because if your thighs are not parallel to the ground, your leg muscles will not get a workout.
  • Knees should be directly above your ankles and your back should be touching the wall at all times.
  • Hold this position for 20-60 seconds.

10 Amazing Benets of Papaya for Skin Hair and Health

There are many papaya benets for your health and this beautiful tropical fruit is proof that nutritious food can also have an amazing taste.Papaya, also known as papaw and pawpaw around the world, is a rich source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and special digestive enzymes that have a remarkable effect both internally and externally.

If you’d like to improve your skin, relieve digestion problems, protect your eyes and heart and possibly lower your risk of many diseases like cancer, then consider the many health benets of eating papaya.

1. Fights Cancer:

The antioxidant and high vitamin content of papaya play a signicant role in the prevention of certain cancers. One study found that the combination of green tea and lycopene had an effect in the prevention of prostate cancer. Papaya is rich in lycopene.

2. Boosts Digestive Health:

Papain is a digestive enzyme that aids in the breakdown of proteins. People living in the tropics have long used papaya to aid in the treatment of constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. The fruit is easy to digest and the high ber content may improve your intestinal health.

3. Relieves Toothaches:

Papaya is among the best home remedies for tooth aches. make a paste of papaya roots and massage onto the gums and teeth ad get relief from toothache. You can also use the inner bark for this. Papaya helps in removing the bacteria from the tooth and aids in the healing process.

4. Reduces Acne & Burns:

Papaya is very effective in treating many skin disorders. It can be used to treat acne. All you have to do is apply the eshy part of the papaya skin on the affected area of your body. Eating the fruit will also make the skin clear. You can also obtain latex from papaya and apply it on the burnt area to reduce the marks.

5. Papaya For Weight Loss:

Those who want reduce weight can opt papaya as it is a rich house of bers. The presence of dietary bers will burn fat and reduce weight. It is hundred percent natural and keeps you healthy and smart.

6. For Healthy Heart:

The regular intake of papaya by heart patients will ease the ow of blood to the heart and it reduces our heart from various chronic diseases. So heart patients should eat papaya at least once in a week. Also it contains high amounts of bers which will block the absorption of cholesterol during digestion.

7. Papaya For Women Health:

One of the main problem women face is the annoying pain during menstrual periods. Eating papaya will help you to get rid of this pain. Papaya leaves are also benecial. Take some water in a jar and heat it.

Add some papaya leaves, tamarind and salt. Keep it for 15 minutes. Drink it. This will reduce every problems during menstruation.

8. Papaya Benets Menstruation:

Papaya juice is very hot and its consumption helps in inducing menses. That is why it is often advised to drink papaya juice during irregular periods. Green and unripe papayas are considered as a home remedy to correct irregularity of menses.

To be noted: Papaya can be harmful to pregnant women as it is hot and may lead to contractions in the uterus that may lead to abortions.

9. Papaya Benets Body Immunity:

Papaya also helps in boosting body’s immunity. The presence of antioxidants in papaya helps in improving the immunity system of the body and hence helps it ght against many diseases.

10. Papaya Benets for Eyes:

The richness in Vitamin A is a major factor in making papaya benecial for eyes. Papaya keeps the eyes healthy as well as help in improving eyesight issues in adults. So if you are nding diculties in nding things, have some papaya servings to improve your eyesight!

This Recipe Has Gone Viral! Heal Your Knees and Rebuilds Bones and Joints Immediately

It is widely known and accepted at a truth that the joint cannot heal once arthritis, joint degeneration or bones on bone has been diagnosed in the knee. There are a series of steps we are taking every day that gives us the end result of the joint wearing away.

The pain in the knees, bones, and joints is quite intense and debilitating and reduces the ability to nish even the simplest daily tasks. Ageing mostly affects our knees, as they support even 80% of the body weight while standing.

If we begin to look at the body as a system, then is arthritis, joint degeneration, and bone on bone really the “obvious” inevitable outcome?

What if we started regularly and abundantly giving the body (our system) the resources it needs in the form of nutrition that it didn’t have before.

  • Three tablespoons raisins
  • Two tablespoons unavored gelatin
  • 40 grams of pumpkin seeds
  • 200 grams of honey
  • Four tablespoons sesame seeds
  • Eight tablespoons axseed

How to Prepare:

To prepare this powerful remedy, simply put all the ingredients in a blender, and mix until you get a homogenous mixture. Then, put the mixture in the container.


Drink one teaspoon of this natural remedy for bone, knee, and joint pain before breakfast, and before lunch. You will notice how your ligaments and tendons become stronger and stronger.

Doctors have been baed by the mind-bending power of this natural remedy. If you know of someone who has bone and joint problems, you can get this powerful recipe NOW. Your joints and bones will feel like new, and your metabolism will improve!

Simple Trick to Remove Brown Spots from Your Skin

There is nothing scary with having a few brown spots, also known as age spots, but things get really messy when these spots affect one’s self-condence. Age spots are more common on the face area, limbs, shoulders and hands. These are likely to multiply as you grow old, which is where they got their name from. Large, brown spots are one of the rst signs of the unavoidable ageing process.

If you are seeking for the best way to get these out of your face, just read on. We give you a simple trick to remove age spots from your skin. All you need is two common household items. The rst thing you should understand it the ‘origin’ of your brown spots, and determine whether you can nd a proper way to prevent their occurrence.

In this article, we will explain why brown spots appear, what effect they can have on your health, and what are the best ways to remove/prevent them. What triggers the appearance of age spots?

Excessive exposure to sunlight and UV rays are some of the major contributors to the occurrence of brown spots, regardless of whether you like tanning without any sunscreen on or prefer using a tanning bed. There is nothing good about intense UV exposure.

The more you like tanning, the quicker melanin appears in your body. Melanin is what you see when you spend some time in the sun, and it is ‘the thing’ that makes your skin dark and chocolatey.

Your tan will disappear, but you will see brown splotches on the very same skin areas that have been mostly exposed to the sun. It is the melanin that has been overactive in these skin areas, and ugly age spots are the only result you will be left with.

Can age spots harm health?

Yes. Of course, it does not necessarily mean that every age spot will turn into cancer, but there are several aspects you may want to keep in mind:
  • Observe your age spots, and see if they are different in colour, especially if some are much darker than others
  • Look for any funky borders around the spots
  • Pay special attention to any growing or changing spot
  • If you notice that your brown spots have become red or tender, consult your doctor as soon as possible
  • If any of these signs worries you, ask for an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist.
  • Regular self-examinations are the best way to track changes and prevent unwanted outcome.

Take the “ABCDE’s of Melanoma” test to eliminate every doubt. It is a nice way to determine if your spots go in the direction they are not supposed to.

Get rid of your age spots

You can use a straightforward trick to get those spots off your skin. Try out a simple juice solution made from two basic ingredients. It will only take you a few minutes to prepare it.

Fresh onion juice and organic apple cider vinegar will do wonders to your skin. Onion juice is a traditional home remedy for skin scarring. Antioxidants in onions reduce free radical damage and thus protect the outer skin layer. Alpha hydroxy acids in apple cider vinegar act as natural exfoliants, and what they do is remove dead skin layers. Combine these two, and you will be amazed by the way your skin looks and feels.

Anti-age spot mixture:

  • Dice a fresh onion. Transfer the bits into a Ziploc bag and pulverise them using a blunt surface.
  • Next, use your blender to process the onion with half a cup of organic apple cider vinegar. You are looking for a smooth texture.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the resulting mixture and apply it directly on your age spots. For optimal results, this every day for 2-4 weeks.

Although this solution will not give you the results overnight, keep in mind that it is natural, cheap, and simple. You cannot use convenient and effective in the same sentence for any other method. You should notice the rst results within a few weeks, but treat your spots every day, and you will be happy with the outcome.

Is there any way to prevent age spots?

1. Yes, if you tend to spend the rest of your life at home, and you know that it is not possible because we all need a bit of sunlight.
2. But, you can prevent the occurrence of large spots by calculating the time you spend out in the sun. Wear long-sleeved shirts and comfy pants whenever you can, and DO NOT FORGET to use your sunscreen.
3. Your skin needs sunscreen in winter as well. Even when you spend a minute in the sun. Always use sunscreen! Stay away from tanning beds. These may give you the tan you dream off, but they will also damage your skin.

And once again, consult your doctor about any suspicious spots. Love your skin, and it will love you back!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Simple Yellow Teeth Whitening Procedure – Works Best !

Healthy and white teeth are something that everybody desires. But to achieve this, it can take a lot of effort and time. You can go to the dentists for a whitening procedure, but it will cost you a lot, plus it`s not that healthy for your teeth. There are many whitening gels you can buy, but most of them are ineffective.

Now there is an effective way to naturally whiten your teeth. All you need is 2 minutes of your life .

  • Baking soda,
  • Coconut oil.

1. Baking Soda:

It`s very benecial for the health of your gums and teeth, because it regulates the pH values in the mouth, killing harmful bacteria which are causing tooth decay. Plus, it has incredible whitening effects.

2. Coconut oil:

It has numerous health benets like treating digestive issues, hormonal problems, regulating cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Coconut oil is proven to have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, so it`s excellent for oral care as well. Experts say that coconut oil is very effective in preventing the reproduction of the Streptococcus bacteria, as the main cause of tooth decay. It can have the same effects as toothpaste which contain triclosan. Nowadays, most kinds of toothpaste contain uoride, considered as a toxic chemical which causes poisoning.

So replace your standard toothpaste with a homemade one.

You will need:

8 tsp. of baking soda
8 tsp. of coconut oil (extra virgin)

  • Mix both ingredients to make a paste and use it as any other toothpaste.
  • For a fresh scent, add a few drops of peppermint oil.


Epsom salts have been used for a long time by many different cultures. They offer many useful properties which can be used in gardening, household cleaning and detoxifying the body. The salts are very cheap and you can buy them at bulk in garden centers everywhere. One of the things that you perhaps might not have known about Epsom salts is that you can use them as an advanced detoxication strategy as a bath that will offer amazing health  benets.

They got their name because of a bitter saline spring that was located at Epsom in Surrey, England. Epsom is different than other salts because it is a natural, pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. These minerals offer very powerful health benets that can enhance the detoxication capabilities of the body.


The skin absorbs the magnesium and sulfate in the body’s bloodstream. The skin can take in minerals and it eliminates toxins every day. Thus, if you use Epsom salts in a bathwater it will create a process called reverse osmosis. This process pulls salt and harmful toxins out of the body and allows the magnesium and sulfates to enter the body.

The magnesium has a very important role in over 325 enzymes and it can help to improve muscle and nerve function. Also, it will reduce inammation and improve the blood ow and oxygenation through the body.

The sulfates are blocks for healthy joints, skin and nervous tissue. The Epsom salts will replenish the body’s magnesium and sulfate levels. This mix will ush the toxins from the body and it will build protein molecules in the brain tissue and joints.

Furthermore, if you use Epsom salt baths on a regular basis it can improve many health conditions like athlete’s foot, gout, toenail fungus, sprains, bruises and muscle soreness. This would also be perfect for people who are ghting a chronic disease or chronic pain. With Epsom baths they can detoxify and de-iname while the mineral and sulfur balance is improved.

However, watch out with the usage of Epsom salts if you are pregnant, dehydrated or you have open wounds or burn on your skin. The people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases should always consult with a physician who can help them before using Epsom salts.


You need at least 40 minutes. You will need 20 minutes to remove the toxins and 20 so that the body can absorb the minerals in the bath water.

First, you need to ll up your bath with warm water. Also, it would be nice if your house had a water ltration system for reducing chlorine, uoride, dioxins and heavy metals. However, if you do not have one, a regular water will do just ne.

Then, follow these instructions:
  • Children under 60 lbs: Add 1/2 cup of salts to a standard size bath
  • Individuals between 60-100 lbs: Add 1 cup of salts to a standard size bath
  • People between 100-150 lbs: Add 1 1/2 cup of salts to a standard size bath
  • Individuals between 150-200 lbs: Add 2 cups of salts to a standard size bath
  • For every 50lbs larger – add in an additional 1/2 cup of salts.


One thing you can do is add 1/2 cup of olive oil. This is very good for the skin due to the fact that the polyphenols soak into the skin and give it additional antioxidant benets. Another thing you can do is add ginger or cayenne to increase the heat levels which will help you sweat out toxins. You can add 1 tablespoon to 1/2 cup to stimulate sweating and the herbs are full of antioxidants that will enhance the detox process.

Just make sure you do not use soap as well together with the Epsom salt bath. if you do, it can interrupt the working of the mineral and detox process. Just try to rest an hour or two after the bath unless you have arthritic joints. In this case you need to stay active so that you prevent congestion in the joints.

That is it! Just try this process and you will see immediate improvement!

How To Get Rid of Acne and Scars Overnight -> Simple Homemade Remedy

Acne scars, age spots, wrinkles, blemishes, are often the source of major insecurity . There are numerous factors that can affect your skin, from sun exposure, to chemicals in our makeup.

Most people who struggle with scars, pimples, acne and sun spots and other skin issues, always end up spending thousands on stores buying the most expensive products to get rid of these issues. The problem here, is that these products are often loaded with harmful chemical, besides, some of them cause you dependence, which means that whenever you stop using them, all the pimples and wrinkles can shine on your face again.

Today I’m going to share an amazing face mask recipe that can get you rid of acne scars, pimples and wrinkles, overnight.

Honey: being a good source of antioxidants, honey will protect your skin from cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for accelerating the aging process, and in this case, they may result in ne lines and dark spots and pimples on your face. Honey has the ability to moisturize, hydrate and tighten the skin.

Baking Soda: it is an alkaline substance that has antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and antiinammatory properties. Baking soda deeply cleanses skin by absorbing the excess of oil and clear all the scars from the skin. In addition, it balances pH level on the skin, which is very important to maintain an even skin tone and a glowing texture and reduce further breakouts.

Apple Cider Vinegar: it contains alpha hydroxyl acids that remove dead skin to reveal healthy and vibrant new skin. It is also a potent antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral that helps ght bacteria that causes acne.

How to get Rid of Acne and Scars Overnight ?

  • Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Honey


1. In a small bowl mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey.
2. Mix it well until you achieve a paste that will basically look like a cream.
3. Wash your face with lukewarm water to open your pores and remove your makeup
4. Use a soft cloth to dry your face
5. Apply the mask evenly on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes
6. Wash it off with warm water and then with cold water to close the pores.
7. Apply a moisturizer.

Good Result:

This recipe is very famous for its fast results, but in case you don’t see the results right after the rst application, don’t freak out. You must always consider that we all have different types of skin, besides, you should also consider that if you have been struggling with scars, acne or pimples, for months, they will not go away in one night. For better and faster results apply this mask daily or four times a week.

It is recommended to apply this mask at night, in this way you will avoid sun exposure right after applying the mask on your face. In fact, it is always safe to avoid sun exposure right after applying any face mask, because it can create dark spots or increase your pimples or acne.

Try this face mask as fast as you can, so that you can see the results by yourself.

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Remove Every Poison from the Body in Just 2 Days with a Detox Plan for the Weekend

UNFORTUNATELY, toxic agents are everywhere in our world. Yes, toxic agents and chemicals are present in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the household cleaners we spray, and the electronics we use on a daily basis. The experts also warn that toxic free radicals are formed in our bodies as well. Stress hormones, emotional disturbances, anxiety and negative emotions create free radicals as well. Living without toxic buildup is virtually impossible, which is why our body has built in mechanisms to deal with toxic overload.

Can I ask you something – did you know that crying, sweating, urination and defecation are all natural protocols employed by the body to clear it-self of toxins. So, these toxins can be very dangerous for our body and health in general if they are ignored.

Ladies and gentlemen, this means one thing – it’s very important to detoxify your body from time to time. You should cleanse your body from all harmful toxins! And after that you will feel refreshed and full of energy!

Two Day Detoxication Plan:

First of all, you should drink 250ml (8.4oz) warm water, immediately after you wake up on empty stomach.

1 Day

  • 4 oz / 250 ml water,
  • green tea,
  • a cup of oat akes with a spoon of linseed,
  • 7 oz/ 200 ml almond milk or diet yogurt,
  • ½ cup fresh grained fruits (example: blueberry)
  • 4 oz /250 ml water,
  • grilled hake (250 g),
  • Swiss chard with potatoes on olive oil,
  • 2 cups of salad (green, arugula, tomato) prepared with olive oil or lemon juice,
  • slice of melon,
  • banana,
  • apple,
  • 6 oz /180 ml ordinary yogurt,
  • ¼ cup pumpkin seed,
  • 4 oz / 250 ml water.
  • A piece of tuna grilled on a barbecue or in a foil (150 g),
  • 2 cups salad with olive oil and lemon juice,
  • ½ cup vegetable prepared on a steam (broccoli or spinach),
  • a little integral pastry,
  • 4 oz / 250 ml water,
  • Anise tea.

2 Day

  • A cup of oat akes with a spoon of linseed,
  • 200 ml almond milk or diet yogurt,
  • green tea
  • Pear.
  • 200g chicken breasts on a barbecue,
  • vegetable soup (carrot, beans, onions, pepper, celery, potato),
  • pickle (150g),
  • 250 ml water.
  • Grapefruit
  • carrot and beet salad,
  • with lemon juice added,
  • a little integral pastry,
  • nettle tea.
You Will Get Amazing result:

After the Two Day Detoxication plan, your body will be toxins free and you will feel refreshed and full of energy!

The Silent Killer Of Fat And Overweight, You Can Lose Weight Like Crazy Without Realizing It

One of the most dicult tasks for every woman is to lose weight in a healthy way. There are many undergo diets and dangerous surgeries, but they are not always the best decision. Therefore, in this article, we are going to show how to lose weight healthily and effortlessly.

Many times, sedentariness is what leads us to gain weight wildly. By sitting all day at work, we accumulate unnecessary fat. Also, when we get home from work, we sit down to watch TV and have little physical activity.

However, this recipe is “the killer of overweight” which can help you to lose weight quickly. You can lose up to 2 kg in just 1 week . Its main purpose is to burn fat in the most dicult areas such as belly, back and legs.

  • Small tomatoes (4 units).
  • Lemon juice (6 tablespoons).
  • Garlic (4 cloves).
  • Ice cubes (6 units).
  • Mineral water (0.25 liters).
Preparation and Use:

First, you must thoroughly wash all the ingredients.

Then you should put them in a blender chopped into small cubes and mix them well until you get a nice homogeneous mixture.

For best results, you should take this drink 30 minutes before your breakfast and continue for a week.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopenes and antioxidants that naturally purify our body. In that way, we can eliminate toxins that prevent us from losing weight, as well as toxins that harm our health.

In addition, garlic is well known for its different benecial properties for our health.It helps us burn calories while taking care of our overall health.

But, you must know that this recipe will not lose weight by itself. It should be accompanied with a balanced diet with fruits, cereals, green tea, vegetables, etc . In addition, you must avoid at all costs the consumption of sugar.

Do not keep waiting and start losing weight quickly with this recipe. In a short time, you will get excellent results and believe me you will be more than amazed!