
Thursday, July 11, 2019


When it comes to exercising, it probably would be fair to say that many of us are guilty of focusing mainly on the front of the body since that’s what we see in the mirror. But back exercises are just as important as any other and in this article, you will find how to get strong and toned back.

1. Arm circles

Hold your arms up parallel to the floor and start circling, squeezing the shoulder blades. Circle forward for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds and then circle backward for another 45 seconds.

2. Bent over row

Bend over, roll the shoulders back, and bring your arms up while squeezing the shoulder blades. You may use dumbbells or do this without any weights. Keep your back straight as it is very important not to round your back.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

3. Bent over pulses

This exercise is very similar to the bent over row but this time, you need to pulse your arms 5 times before dropping them down.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

4. Superman fly

Lie face down with your arms and legs extended. Keeping your arms and legs straight, squeeze your back muscles, and lift the arms and legs up as high as possible. Focus on keeping the neck relaxed in a neutral position. If you experience neck pain, you’re most likely putting too much pressure on it.

This exercise is great for your lower back.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

5. Wind fly

Lie face down on your stomach and keep hands next to your body, close to your thighs. Slightly lift your chest and shoulders off the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades and upper back muscles together. As an addition to the superman fly, this exercise is great for not only the lower back muscles but for the oblique muscles, as well.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

6. Superman hold

Start exactly like you would the superman fly, but once you get your arms and legs in the lifted position, hold it for 45 seconds or longer. Don’t forget to breathe. Challenge yourself and try to hold as long as you can. This is a very effective exercise for your back, abs, and glutes.

Rest for 15 seconds.

7. Windmill

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and keep your legs straight. Rotate your torso from side to side, reaching the opposite foot — your opposite arm should point toward the ceiling. Aim for as much rotation as you can. Make sure that you are keeping your back straight and your abs engaged.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

8. Back lift

Lie with your face down and place your fingers behind your ears and your elbows on the mat. Squeezing the lower back muscles, lift your upper torso as high as possible, hold it for a few seconds, then lower it back down. If you experience some neck pain, you are not doing it correctly. Make sure that you are lifting the upper torso and not just your head.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

9. Back squeeze

Start from the same position as the back lift. Lift your upper torso and reach both your arms straight out in front of you. Squeeze the shoulder blades as you bend your arms to the sides, keeping them close to your body. Squeeze your back muscles and shoulder blades as much as possible.

This is a very good exercise for the upper part of your back.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

10. Swimmers

Sometimes it’s also called a superman fly but we are using the alternative name to differ from the exercise mentioned above. Lie face down on your stomach and extend your arms and legs, engage your abs, and lift your chest off the floor. Lift your right arm and left leg and then change.

Repeat for 45 seconds. Then rest for 15 seconds.

Bonus: Why are back exercises so important?

Back exercises have a bigger impact on our health and appearance than you may realize. Scientists came up with some cool names for different parts of the back and that’s why you should do a number of exercises to cover all the zones. The bottom line is — strong and toned back muscles will help you keep a good posture and get rid of that annoying back fat.

Back exercises also keep your spine healthy. There’s only one trick to it — the technique must be perfect. If you are new to the fitness world, you should take a few lessons to learn how to do everything correctly.

Doctors Only Prescribe Peppermint To Regenerate The Cartilage Of Hip And Knees .Learn How To Prepare It.

The cartilage is a buffer that is located between the bones to prevent rubbing them, keeps the joints lubricated so that it is easy to mobilize the body, especially the extremities.

Our knees are made up of different bones that are protected by a cartilage called meniscus.

This helps to protect the joint and gives us flexibility, in the same way, it works as shock absorber and discomfort, it is made in a way that is resistant.

Many times the cartilage becomes degenerated by certain factors so that pains in the knees become frequent.

To treat it you need certain medications, the problem is that pharmaceutical products are generally quite inefficient.

We bring you a natural recipe with very few ingredients, made from peppermint that will help you eliminate pain and regenerate the tissue of this specific area of the body. We will explain it briefly. The cartilage of the knee can be affected by various accidents, by malnutrition and even by genetics.

It can be a real nuisance, cause pain or stiffness and that is why it is necessary to solve the problem in time, especially we should do it naturally.

If the cartilage is very worn and the bones rub against each other, they can be damaged in a very short time.

This condition negatively affects our life and daily routine, because the knees are extremely important motor parts.

That is why today we bring you a natural remedy so that you forget the pain and return to your daily life with total normality.

If you suffer from these pains very often, surely you are desperate to know more about such a famous remedy.

You will need:
  • 1 tablespoon of salvia
  • 1 tablespoon mint or spearmint
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 liter of water

Preparation and consumption:

Boil the water and when it reaches its boiling point we will place all the herbs and let it cook over low heat for 5 minutes and then remove and let stand for 15 minutes.

You must strain and ready. Keep it in the fridge so it does not get damaged. If you prefer you can add honey to taste.

We will drink this infusion 1 or 2 times a day, fasting and/or at night, before going to sleep.

You must continue the treatment for about 3 weeks in a row so that you start to see the results.

Goodbye To The Fallen Belly! You Can Eliminate It With This Powerful Natural Remedy In Just 10 Days

Many people are dealing with a sagging belly, especially after pregnancy or a rapid drop in weight. An unhealthy lifestyle can also contribute to a sagging belly – although it’s difficult to remove, we have a simple remedy which will fix your belly in only 10 days!

The incredible remedy will tone your abs and improve the quality of your skin, effectively resolving the problem. According to experts, the remedy can strengthen your belly muscles in only 10 days, and works great for anyone regardless of age or gender. Before going further, let’s talk about the risk excess abdominal fat brings.

According to experts and several studies, excess belly fat isn’t a simple problem and can cause numerous health problems. This type of fat has been linked to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, dementia, colon, breast and endometrial cancer, high blood pressure as well as diabetes. As you can see, besides making you look unpleasant, excess belly fat can also harm your health significantly. This is why it’s important to get rid of it as soon as you can, and you can do it with the help of the remedy we have for you below.

Here’s how to prepare it:

  • 1 ½ tablespoon of ginger
  • 1 ½ tablespoon of turmeric
  • ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1 l. of water
  • A teaspoon of stevia
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice


Leave the water to boil in a pot, then remove it from the heat and leave it to cool down for 5-10 minutes. Now, mix the ingredients in another bowl, then pour the water over them and mix well. Drink the remedy for 10 straight days and you will easily gt rid of the abdominal flab once and for all!

6 Things That Will Happen to Your Body If You Start Eating Eggs

Did you know that the consumption of eggs can boost your health in a superb way? Yes, indeed. Each egg actually contains 1.6 g saturated fat, 5 g of fat, 7 g of protein and it has 75 cal. Moreover, it is full of needed vitamins and minerals like iron, copper, zinc, selenium, vitamin B2, B6, B12, and D. So, we are here today to present you all the amazing things that can happen to your body if you consume some eggs daily.

What Happens If You Start Eating Eggs Daily?

Protect Your Liver

The choline that the eggs contain can offer many benefits for your health. If you lack it, it can lead to the build-up of hepatitis lipids, which can cause non-alcohol fatty liver disease. One latest study has shown that it can lower the risk of fatty liver disease.

Lower Inflammation

Eggs are full of dietary phospholipids which can lower the inflammation in the body. The latest study has proven that there is a link between reduced inflammation and choline and phospholipids. You can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering the inflammation in the body.

Protects Your Eyes

Eggs contain zeaxanthin and lutein which are antioxidants. They protect your eyes and they are both in the yolk of the egg. They can reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. According to the American Journal of Nutrition, if you consume 1.3 egg yolk daily, for 5 weeks, you can increase the levels of lutein by 28-50% and zeaxanthin by 114-142%.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress

When people lack lysine, they experience stress. This one reduces stress and anxiety. Luckily, you can find a lot of it in the eggs.

Prevent Breast Cancer

According to Harvard University, eggs can prevent breast cancer. The choline they contain can reduce the risk of breast cancer by 24%. One egg contains 125 mg of choline. The daily recommended intake is 425 for women and 550 for men.

Boost Weight Loss

The consumption of an egg will limit the calories intake during the day by over 400 cal. Some studies have even confirmed that you can lose 3 pounds a month by consuming some eggs for breakfast. They will curb your appetite and limit the calorie intake.

As you can see, eating eggs offers a lot of benefits, thus, do not hesitate to incorporate them into your diet.

Drink One Glass Of Rice Water And This Will Happen To Your Body

Rice water is loaded with carbohydrates, which means that that it’ll offer loads of energy for the complete day.

The human body desires carbohydrates for electricity, so a tumbler of rice water inside the morning is the pleasant what to begin your day. You have to additionally drink rice water whilst you feel tired or loss of energy.

It prevents constipation

You ought to also realize that rice water is rich in fiber, this means that that it’s very useful and useful for everyday bowel moves. The starch inside the rice water motivates the development of beneficial micro organism within the stomach.

Prevents dehydration

During the new summer season days, we lose quite a few water via sweating and rice water is best to prevent dehydration and loss of vitamins. that is why you need to drink rice water, in particular inside the summer time.

Efficaciously treats symptoms of viral infections

You should also recognize that rice water is often used as a herbal remedy for fever, because it restores lost nutrients and loss of fluids. The rice water will boost up the recovery technique and the affected person will recover much quicker.

Rice water relieves symptoms of diarrhea

Rice water turns out to be an splendid domestic answer for treating diarrhea. You should additionally understand that it’s absolutely safe for youngsters, even newborns, who are extra liable to stomach discomforts.

A current look at has determined that rice water can efficaciously relieve the signs of diarrhea in toddlers.

Prevents cancer

You must also recognize that in case you drink rice water extra frequently, your organism could be tons greater powerful to combat against many illnesses – even most cancers. this means that rice water can save you cancer.

Prevents Alzheimer

A recent observe has determined that ingesting cooked rice water can save you the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease. this is additionally one of the other incredible advantages of ingesting cooked rice water.

Safety from solar

Rice water contains high quantities of the compound – oryzanol. This powerful substance prevents the damaging UV beams from the sun. Use rice water to offer your skin some assistance with taking the solar’s warmness.

How to make rice water:

You just have to observe the easy instructions. right here’s what you want to do you simply need to boil the rice in some clean water. After it’s cooked properly, pressure the water in a separate box.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Remineralisation of Teeth: Eat This to Strengthen Your Teeth

Teeth and eating always go together. So, are you eating enough foods good for your teeth? Healthy teeth are one of the best measures of your overall health. With so much confusion about diets and healthy eating, why have we never focused on dental health? The mouth-body connection is our best way to determine good nutrition.

The problem for most people is that you aren’t aware of the foods that strengthen your teeth. This article will outline the top ten foods for diet and dental health.

To get started, include servings of these foods into your diet. For kids, you can also read the top 10 foods to strengthen teeth for kids. Mix and match these list items in order to create delicious meals for a true oral health diet!

1) Avocado

These days, you can’t seem to go a day without seeing avocado! They’re so popular that restaurants have even opened that specialize in avocado dishes. While avocado seems to be enjoying its day in the sun, savvy eaters have enjoyed it many years. Avocado can really improve your health, and it is great for a diet for dental health.

Avocado flesh is full of prebiotic fiber that promotes healthy digestion. These types of fiber feed probiotic bacteria in your oral and gut microbiome. Healthy digestion is important for overall bodily health and wellbeing. That said, certain avocados have more fiber than others. The dark green Haas variety has more fiber than the lighter green Florida avocados. So if you’re looking to max your fiber, you can choose these.

In addition to fiber, avocados are packed full of important fatty acids. These fatty acids help you to absorb the fat soluble nutrients vitamins E, and K1. Healthy fats can also keep you fuller for longer. Avocados also contain, folate, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B5 and vitamin B6.

Avocados also contain, folate, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B5 and vitamin B6.

An avocado a day keeps the doctor away!

2) Kefir

Kefir is a delicious, tangy fermented milk drink that originated in the Middle East. It is great for overall health and a powerhouse in a diet for oral health. In addition to its fatty acid profile, it contains the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2. This is a perfect mix to absorb this crucial mix of healthy teeth nutrients.

Kefir is also a rich source of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. This diverse microbial makeup, (similar to probiotic yogurt) is great for healthy digestion. A diverse intestinal flora and gut health can have benefits for your teeth. Your gut flora controls your immune system also manage your bleeding gums.

The lactobacillus bacteria in kefir is thought to inhibit strep mutans (tooth decay causing bacteria). Eating fermented foods like kefir regularly is a way to prevent tooth decay.

3) Spinach

It turns out that Popeye was right – spinach is good for everyone! This leafy green vegetable is packed with vitamins and minerals. Spinach is a good source of iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and folic acid. These vitamins and minerals will improve your dental health. Adding spinach to your smoothies or pasta sauces is also a good way to get extra fiber in your diet.

In addition to vitamins, spinach gives you a boost of antioxidants. These substances remove damaging oxidizing agents from your body. The benefits of antioxidants extend to healthy teeth and gums too.

4) Butter

While you might not think of butter as healthy, it is one of the best foods for healthy teeth. People have long shied away from butter, worrying that it will lead to unchecked weight gain. Don’t fear butter! The saturated fat in butter won’t make you fat. It releases hormones that keep you full, satisfied and won’t spike blood sugar.

Butter is also a good source of the fat-soluble vitamins A, vitamin D, and vitamin K2. But this depends on it being from a grass fed cow. So spread to your heart’s content. Butter is a very important part of an oral health diet.

5) Asparagus

Asparagus is a delicious summer vegetable, but did you know it contains important fiber? Asparagus is a great source of inulin; a prebiotic fiber that helps you digest probiotics. You might already know about the health benefits of probiotics. They are the good bacteria that help keep your gut in good health. The importance of healthy digestion also extends to dental health. Your stomach bacteria affect your overall health and the entire digestive microbiome.

The inulin found in asparagus feed your probiotic digestive flora. Add asparagus to your diet as a big boost of fiber. A healthy gut microbiome is key to healthy teeth.

6) Liver

Liver has a long history in many culinary traditions. Today, it’s not as common, but does it deserve its bad reputation? No! Liver is actually one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat. Liver is one of the best sources of fat soluble vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.

It’s also packed wit vitamin C (more than blueberries or kale), as well as iron.

The nutrient profile of liver makes it a perfect food for oral health.

Eat 1-2 servings a week to keep your mouth, gums, and teeth at their best.

7) Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage full of live probiotic cultures for healthy digestion. These are the microbiota that manage your dental and gut health. Fermented sauerkraut contained lactic acid forming bacteria. Not only are these healthy bacteria good for your gut, they are good for your teeth.

Studies have shown that lactic acid releasing bacteria inhibit disease-causing bugs. This helps prevent tooth decay naturally! They also prevent gum disease and balance your oral microbiome.

Sauerkraut is also a source of vitamin K2. This vitamin is due to the live bacterial cultures present. Vitamin K2 is released by the bacteria that live in the mouth and intestines. However, they’re also found in fermented foods. It is essential for healthy teeth gums and healthy digestion. It’s one of the most ignored nutrients in the Western diet. Your body needs it to prevent caries and decay.

With white or red cabbage, sauerkraut has a delicious tangy taste and a great crispy crunch. It can add flavor and zest to your family’s meals

8) Chicken drumsticks

You might think of a skinless breast as the healthiest part of the chicken. It’s the cut that is lowest in calories in calories right? Well, chicken drumsticks have better health properties for healthy teeth. Chicken drums, thighs, and wings are all rich in collagen. When you cook and eat this collagen, it is excellent for joint health.

Collagen is also crucial for your gum health. Gum disease is a loss of the collagen ligament attachment to your teeth.

Another way to gain these nutrients from your chicken legs is to make a stock. There is some truth to ‘chicken soup for a cold!’ A chicken bone broth or stock contains many nutrients and collagen. All of this is good for your oral health and strong teeth.

9) Parsley

Herbs are full of medicinal properties. Parsley has been shown to have many anti-bacterial agents. Studies have shown that it is also rich in antioxidants. The phytonutrients in parsley can help your overall health.

It is really easy to add parsley to your daily diet. Italian parsley has a nice peppery flavor. It makes a great addition to salads, and as a topping to your meals. You can even add it to your smoothies and pesto sauces. Consider chopping and adding more than just a sprig of fresh parsley to your meal. Not only is parsley good for your body, it may cure bad breath naturally.

This is something you will need if you eat the final food on our list….

10) Garlic

Garlic has long been known to be good for the body and teeth. While it adds a delicious flavor to food, it is also very good for your oral health. Garlic is loaded with antibacterial properties.

The key lies within a component of garlic called allicin. This is the chemical that gives you the dreaded ‘garlic breath’. Allicin makes garlic antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. Allicin has also been shown to help fight oral flora imbalance. It does this by controlling the bad bacteria that cause dental disease like cavities and gum disease.

Garlic is also a good food for strong teeth because it also contains prebiotic fiber. This prebiotic fiber will help your gut health. Remember – a healthy gut will lead to healthy teeth and gums!

Adding garlic to your soups, salad dressings, pastas and stews will help you get more garlic. Try combining it with some of the ingredients listed above for a delicious meal.

Parsley, grass fed butter and garlic are a great combo! So too are asparagus, chicken legs and garlic. Mix, match and enjoy!

Add THIS Ingredient to Your Shampoo and Forget About Hair Loss Forever

Your hair is an essential part of your beauty, but it also gives incredible insight into your health as well. When hair loss starts, it is actually an early warning sign of other things going on in your body that need to be given attention. Now you can help prevent your hair from becoming brittle or thinning out by adding essential oils and vitamins to your shampoo.

What Causes Hair To Fall Out?

According to WebMD, there are many reasons why you may lose your hair, some of which are not easily diagnosable. Some of the most common reasons include:
  • Your Genes
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Medication Side Effects
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Hormonal Imbalances

Options For Treating Hair Loss

There are many treatments that are available, including commercial hair growth treatments. Most of these products fail to live up to their hype, and usually, contain harmful chemicals that you are putting with hearing direct access to your brain. Did you know that much of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your blood, so the chemicals you are putting on your head is entering through your scalp and into your bloodstream with the first organ it contacts usually being the brain?

Using these kinds of treatments is less than optimal for maintaining overall health, let alone incredible beauty. This is why many women are now turning to more natural products to protect their hair.

Essential Oils And Vitamins For Hair Health

Essential oils are becoming more commonplace in our society every day. What was once an obscure alternative treatment for hippies is now regarded as something popular and is widely being used. Just walk into any grocery store and look at health section. You are sure to find at least one or two different brands of essential oils.

Adding the right essential oils, along with Vitamin E, can do a lot to support the health of your heart. Specifically, Rosemary and Lemon oils are very good hair health oils.

Here is one recipe for a therapeutic shampoo:
  • Use a neutral PH shampoo, and add two Vitamin E capsules as well as 10 drops each of Rosemary and Lemon.
  • Be sure to shake the shampoo well before each use.
  • Wet your hair, and massage the shampoo into your hair. Be sure to get it deep in your hair, down to the scalp.
  • Massage for about 10 minutes.
  • Allow the shampoo to sit on your hair and scalp for another 10 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

A Word Of Caution About Essential Oils

Not all essential oils are created equally. Some oils are a therapeutic grade, which is the highest quality. Others have a lower grade. For therapeutic topical applications, you should use a therapeutic grade oil. These smell the best, but also have the chemical constituents that are going to affect the change you desire.

In addition, not all therapeutic grade oils are the healthy to use. While most claim to be 100 percent pure, they legally only have to contain about two percent of the oil, the rest can be made up of synthetic and filler oils. Also, keep in mind that some oil companies use solvents to distil their oils, so do the research about the process through which the oil is distilled to be sure you are getting the highest quality oil that will be most therapeutic.

Rosemary oil should be steam distilled, and not distilled more than once. Lemon oil should be first cold pressed from the rind of the lemon.

Essential oils and vitamins can be an incredible addition to your health and beauty regimen. Start with this simple recipe to help combat the stress modern day living puts on your hair.

How to Get Rid of The Unwanted Double Chin and Neck Fat?

Many people suffer from the horrendous double chin. I do, too. That is why I always make sure to position my face a certain way when taking a picture. I hate my double chin and have always wanted to find a way to make it disappear.

I know many other people feel the same way about their double chins. A double chin does not always mean one is overweight. It can mean that the muscles in the chin and neck are not as developed as they should be.

Some common ways to remove the problem include diet change and cosmetic surgery. However, even those with an excellent diet can suffer from double chin. Also, cosmetic surgery isn’t for everyone. It certainly isn’t for me.

Luckily, some simple exercises can not only strengthen the neck, jaw, and chin muscles, but also remove that stubborn double chin.

Performing these exercises daily will have your chin looking firmer in no time. Some other added benefits may include increased jaw or neck strength, flexibility, and relaxation. Many people who work at a computer all day tend to end up feeling very tense around the neck and jaw area. I work at home on my computer, and I commonly experience tight jaw joints and a stiff neck. I was really excited when I found this!

Just take a look at the video below:

7 Low-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks For When You’re Trying to Lose Weight

Drinking isn’t the healthiest pastime.

In fact, a 2018 study from The Lancet shows that no amount of alcohol is actually good for you. But hey, we still do it, and experts say that drinking in moderation (that’s one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men) is probably okay.

When you do imbibe, one way you can make it healthier is choosing the lowest calorie alcohol, ensuring your sipper will have as minimal impact as possible on your weight.

“Alcohol itself is very calorie dense,” says Lisa Moskovitz, RD, a dietitian based in New York City. “The more alcohol a drink has, the more calories it contains—just one shot of any sort of liquor is about 100 calories,” she says

Calories in alcohol: They add up fast

If you start having two 5-ounce pours of red wine every night of the week, that tacks an extra 1,750 calories onto your diet every week.

And if you change nothing else about what you’re consuming, those extra calories could add up to 25 pounds of weight gain over the course of a year. Yikes.

How to order the lowest calorie alcoholic drinks

Some of the key points to remember when ordering is to ask for no syrups, opt for fresh juices, and watch for portion sizes. A standard serving of beer is 12 ounces, wine is 5 ounces, and liquor is 1.5 ounces (a shot glass).

“The biggest thing to remember is that you’re getting the bulk of your calories from the alcohol itself,” Moskovitz advises. “So, try to pick mixers that don’t contribute extra calories or sugars.”

With all this in mind, we asked registered dietitians for tips on how to choose the healthiest alcoholic drink at your next happy hour, and ranked the best low-calorie alcoholic drinks.

1. Vodka soda with lemon

Calorie count: 96

If you’re looking for the lowest calorie alcohol, stay away from tonic water. “It adds about 80 calories and 21 grams of sugar” to your cocktail, Ansari says. Instead, choose soda water or seltzer.

“Choosing to mix a serving of vodka with soda water, which is still fizzy but contains no calories, is much better,” she explains. To boost the flavor without adding calories, squeeze some fresh lemon juice for a refreshing kick.

Since alcohol tends to dehydrate you, using soda water is a bonus. “The great thing about soda water other than it not adding calories is that it keeps you hydrated,” Ansari says.

Whenever you’re imbibing, be sure to also take sips of water in between drinks.

2. Light bloody Mary

Calorie count: Less than 100

For the lowest calorie brunch cocktails, avoid the pitcher of mimosas, which can be high in sugar. A bloody Mary is a healthier option, but to keep the calories low, Ansari suggests mixing it yourself.

Premixed or packaged versions can range anywhere from 200 to 400 calories.

“You can keep Bloody Mary recipes at or below 100 calories by combining one ounce of vodka with a smaller portion of fresh tomato juice, and adding just a dash of Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces,” she says.

This keeps the sodium low while lending flavor. Don’t be afraid to also use spices to infuse heat—a little goes a long way. Avoid loading your drink with too many olives or a piece of bacon and stick to celery sticks or cherry tomatoes.

3. Tequila with fresh lime juice

Calorie count: Less than 200

Margaritas feel indulgent for a reason—a standard marg is packed with calories and sugar.

“A margarita can contain anywhere from 160 to 400 calories depending on if it’s made with fresh juice or a pre-made syrup—most of the margarita mixes are rich in sugars and calories,” says Yasi Ansari, MS, RDN, a dietitian based in Los Angeles, California.

For a lower-calorie take on the Mexican-inspired cocktail, Ansari recommends drinking tequila with a squeeze of fresh lime juice (the lowest calorie option) or a Paloma.

“It blends in juice rather than a syrup, keeping calories under 200,” she says. Using fresh juice instead of a sugary mix will also help you drink it more slowly and enjoy the the flavors.

4. Mojito minus the syrup

Calorie count: Less than 100

Mojitos normally contain about 168 calories, but Ansari says ditching the syrup can save you anywhere from 40 to 70 calories per cocktail.

“You can make this drink less than 100 calories by making it with light rum, and a teaspoon of sugar (or a no-calorie sugar substitute like Stevia),” she explains.

Adding a ton of mint, increasing the soda water and packing in fresh lime juice also enhances the flavor without adding calories. At the bar, simply ask the bartender to skip the syrup and add more mint and lime juice instead.

5. Rosé

Calorie count: 120

A glass of rosé can be one of the easiest low-calorie drinks to order—as long as it’s not too sweet, Moskovitz says. Stay away from dessert rosés, which can be high in sugar.

Rule of thumb: The higher the alcohol percentage, the higher the calories in any given bottle, so look for labels with a lower alcohol by volume (ABV) to keep the calorie content as low as possible.

And if you’re ordering champagne, go for brut or extra brut, which means “dry,” so there’s naturally less sugar.

6. Light Beer

Calorie count: 103

Not all beer will give you a belly.

Light beers tend to be around 50 calories less than regular brews. “Although this may not sound significant, it is when you’re pairing a glass of beer with dinner,” Ansari says. “Adding unnecessary calories from liquids can prevent you from meeting your desired health goals.”

In general, the lighter the beer, the better, says Moskovitz.

“Typically, the darker the beer is, the more calories it contains,” she explains. In other words, stick with saisons, wheats and sours over stouts when you can.

7. Diet Gin & Tonic

Calorie count: 120

If you can’t part with tonic water, keep the calories low by choosing diet.

“Regular tonic is rich in sugar and calories, but you can cut at least 60 calories by choosing diet tonic and a splash of regular tonic,” Ansari says. You could also swap it with sparkling water.

Get creative with your garnishes by topping it with a sprig of fresh rosemary or a slice of grapefruit to lend it more flavor. The presentation and taste will keep you satisfied.

Baking Soda Shampoo: Your Hair Will Grow Like It’s Magic

Baking soda is definitely one of the healthiest ingredients in the world. By revealing its healing properties, its popularity has significantly increased. Among all its uses, baking soda can also used for hair quality improvement. It makes your hair shiner, healthy and cleanses the hair from different conditioner and toxic chemicals.

If you want to avoid all the chemical products full of various harmful substances, you should definitely try the following baking soda treatment to maintain and improve the health of your hair. You will be amazed by the results!

How to make it?

Make a mixture between one part of baking soda and three parts of water. Apply the resulting mixture to wet or dry hair and massage it well.

Let the mixture act for 2-3 min and then rinse it. Clean your hair from any remains by using warm water.

The next thing you should do is to make vinegar mixture by combining 1 part of apple cider vinegar and 4 parts of water. You can avoid the smell of ACV by adding a few drops of lavender, rosemary or peppermint oil. Wash your hair with this mixture.

It may be a little difficult to wash your hair without foam as the standard shampoos but the results will totally amaze and change your opinion!

Friday, July 5, 2019

What the Shape of Your Booty Says About Your Health

Butts are getting a lot of attention in the media these days, but did you know that your butt has a lot more to say about your health than you might think? All too often, people focus on overall weight and are focused on cleaning out the junk in their trunk so they can be in an optimal weight. While obesity is a growing problem throughout the nation due to unhealthy diets and a lack of physical activity, studies show that you may actually be more healthy than your counterparts if your fat is strategically stored in your lower half.

Who would have thought that the rear-end that you have been blaming every time your pant size goes up could actually be protecting you from some very serious health problems in the future? Read on and find out what health experts are saying about that gluteus maximus and how the shape could be an indicator that your body is better equipped to battle certain health problems.

How Your Derrière Could Protect Your Heart

According to Konstantinos Manolopoulos of the University of Oxford, researchers have known for quite some time that the body’s distribution of fat is important for your health. As far as health is concerned, all fat is not bad fat. In the studies published in the International Journal of Obesity it was found that accumulations around the chest are much more dangerous because of how close the fatty acids are to the heart. booty

Fat in the tukhus, however, keeps the fatty acids away from the heart, the arteries and the liver to lower your risk of heart disease and other debilitating problems like diabetes. Since your body is ultimately programmed to decide whether to store the fat in the butt region or in the stomach region, it is said that, in women, the hormones that direct and distribute fat are actually doing this to protect the heart by building up the buttocks.

Do Women Always Have This Heart Protection?

Unfortunately, when women go through menopause and their hormones begin to change, they lose the protection offered by their bubble butt and will have the same risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes as men in the same age range. This is why it is so important to recognize the changes in your body as you approach this stage of your life.

Hemorrhoids and the Size of Your Rear End

Your heart may be healthy, but a large and in charge behind could lead to some major discomfort in your anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids can often lead to bleeding when you use the bathroom. The cause of this bleeding is swollen veins that could be triggered by several different things.

You may be lacking on fiber in your diet or sitting too long, but another very common cause of hemorrhoids is obesity. It you find that you suffer from hemorrhoids often, it may be time to consider battling the bulge to put less pressure on the veins. booty

Is Your Butt to Blame for Bumps Around Your Backside

Folliculitis, while it is a common and harmless condition, can be irritating and embarrassing. It resembles acne and can be found around the upper thigh and buttocks where the hair follicles have become damaged. When you have a larger waist-hip ratio, it is common for your thigh region to rub and lead to damaged hair follicles that look more like a breakout you would find on your face. The infection can be cleared with topical ointment, but if it persists you may need to change your clothing detergent or even the fabrics that you wear.

What Your Back, Feet and Hips Show About Core Strength

The human species has gluteal muscles so that we can effectively walk upright. What you might not know is that your butt is shaped specifically because of the way that you walk and how strong your muscles are in the feet and back. If you have weak core muscles in the back, it could lead to a droopy bottom that many try to avoid. If, however, your hips look bulkier rather than having a droop, the problem is in the feet. The key is to change up your workout routine so that you can strengthen the muscles that your other muscles are compensating for.

With just one glance of your rear end, an expert may be able to tell you a lot about what you need to do to live a healthier life. Not only can you find out if you are prone to major health problems, your lower region could be screaming for a change in routine. Listen to your body and do what you can to stay as healthy as possible. 

9 Surprising Ways to Treat Female Hair Loss Naturally

Hair loss can be distressing — particularly for women. Of course, there are medications, but many of us would like to avoid the unnecessary use of these drugs. So what are some natural alternatives? Here are a few of them:


More research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of this treatment, but there is anecdotal evidence to support it. The idea is that acupuncture needles help to stimulate the flow of blood to the scalp. In turn, it can help to support the regrowth of hair. And of course, acupuncture is very low-risk, unlike some of the medications used to treat hair loss. Many conventional hair growth products have undesirable side effects.


The idea here is the same as acupuncture — massaging the scalp helps to stimulate blood flow to the area and regrow hair. It is a gentler approach for those who may be wary of needles. And if you do it yourself, it’s free. But it may take longer to see the benefits of this treatment.

Test your hormone levels

Often, hair loss is associated with a hormonal imbalance. It is important to understand what is causing your hair loss so that you can take the appropriate approach to treating it. Naturopathic doctors can order lab work that will test your levels of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. If you are not currently working with a naturopath, find one in your area who has experience with hormonal imbalances.

Upgrade your diet

Not surprisingly, a nutrient dense diet composed primarily of whole foods can help to promote healthy hair. In addition, it is a good idea to cut out processed products and other foods that can contribute to hormonal imbalances, like soy. A diet that includes plenty of veggies and omega-3 fatty acids will likely help to improve the health of your hair. And if you consume animal products, it’s best to choose high-quality, free-range and grass-fed options.


Anemia can lead to hair loss, so getting tested for it is a good idea for those of us experiencing thinning hair. If you are anemic, choose a high-quality iron supplement. Preferably, you should choose a food-based one, as the body will absorb more of the nutrients. And include plenty of iron-rich foods in your diet, like spinach and other leafy greens.

Vitamin D

Early research suggests that there may be a link between vitamin D deficiency and hair loss, though more research is needed. It seems that low levels of vitamin D are linked to telogen effluvium, the loss of hair by excessive shedding. In addition, vitamin D can help to balance hormones, so if your hair loss is hormonal, increasing your vitamin D could be beneficial in that way, as well. This is significant because a large portion of the population is deficient in vitamin D.


It’s a popular belief that biotin can help to improve the health of your hair. And there may be some truth to these claims. It’s thought that biotin can improve the hair’s keratin structure. However, it’s unclear exactly what role biotin plays in the health of the hair and biotin deficiency is relatively rare. While biotin may be ineffective for many women, it could potentially be beneficial for those with a deficiency.

Cut back on stress

Hair loss can often be attributed to stress. When the body is under chronic stress, the adrenals release excess amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. Many naturopathic doctors and others believe that this can lead to adrenal fatigue and a hormonal imbalance. Since we know that hair loss is often hormonal, it’s not hard to see the role that stress can play. So hair loss might be your body’s way of telling you that there’s something in your daily life that’s not serving you. It would probably benefit your overall health — not just the health of your hair — to assess and determine if there are any positive changes you can make.


There are a number of herbal remedies thought to support the health of the scalp and hair. Specific recommendations will depend upon your unique condition. Many acupuncturists and Chinese medicine practitioners are trained to give advice in this area.

Hair loss can be upsetting and it is frustrating when you find yourself trying many different treatments and still not seeing results. For that reason, it is important to figure out the underlying cause of your hair loss. A medical professional can help you to determine it. Once you have this information, you can begin to take a more effective approach. And the good news is, there are treatments that to do not require the use of drugs. The treatments mentioned here are good places to start. A medical professional can help you to develop a treatment plan that is unique to your needs.

5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Toxins In Your Body

If you haven’t heard of the act of detoxifying your body yet or you’ve heard but haven’t tried, This post is for you.

Quickly for the benefit of those who are just hearing this for the first time, Detoxification involves getting rid or flushing out toxins from some specific parts or your body in general.

These certain impurities pose a great threat to your health and can be made to leave with the aid of some cleansing ingredients.

Luckily this post isn’t as complicated as most posts on detoxifying your body out there as this post is focused on how to detox naturally to get rid of toxins in your body without even knowing it.

Unlike most detox recipes that requires tons of ingridients.

While those are the best option, As they’re ingredient focused and targets a specific part of the body, Click here to discover over 14 amazing detox water recipes that works.

You’ll find these natural ways to detox your body listed below useful as well.

1. Up Your Water Intake

Water does more in the body than keeping you hydrated. It’s nature’s given and simply flushes out toxins in the body without you knowing. Apart from detoxification, wembd also states that water is essential for energizing your muscles.

As much as it’s important to exercise to stay sharp, You need water during the process to chase fatigue away.

Since the body is made of 70% fluid, Our water intake makes sure flows throughout those hiding places the toxins are and flushes ’em out.

Some of those places include your skin, digestive tract and so on.

2. Take it Easy on Oils & Sugars

If you’re in the process of detoxifying yourself then you might wanna rest back on these two for a while.

Foods that contain excess oil & fat usually gets in the way of the detoxification process that may be going on in your body.

This also applies to foods with tons of artificial sugar, caffeine to as they trigger some parts of your body to focus on other things apart from cleansing.

To encourage your detox process you could in turn switch to getting your sugar from fruits and minimize food which constitutes of these substances.

3. Sweat More

Anything that makes you sweat more but not stress.

Sweating is an excretion process, one of your body’s way of passing out harmful substances in the body through the skin pores.

A good way to sweat more is to exercise more which ultimately leads us to talk about the many benefits of exercise.

4. Banish Stress

Like it or not, Stress causes more havoc to the body than you can ever think of.

Stress stops the body from doing the needful things like detoxification process. This is why enough rest and less stress is advised for better overall health and fitness.

5. Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber has tons of things it does for the body. we usually recommends foods high in fiber to our readers looking to lose weight fast, It’s a no brainier.

It’s also one of the necessary ways to get rid of toxins in your body.

A good vegetable source of fiber you should really look into is asparagus, Check out these metabolism boosting foods to discover a healthy asparagus recipe.

7+ Expert Secrets to Burn Fat 10 Times Faster

BEACH SEASON – the time of year when bikinis, shorts, skirts and dresses are all in style. Clothes get shorter and lighter to compensate for the summer heat.

The less you wear, the more in fashion you seem to be. It pays to have the bod to match the outfits so you give up your favorite desserts and cut down on the calories you take in per day.

We all know there’s no easy way to get rid of excess weight. It takes a lot of hard work and persistence to hit your target. Water and weights become your new best friends, but when you start to see the results of all your effort, it becomes worth it.

We’ve come up with a list of the things you can do to help your body burn the fat that it needs to.

1. Take Up A Sport

Whether you’re with friends or are going solo, taking up a new sport can be both fun and exciting.

You get to enjoy the activity while working out and burning calories. It requires you to engage in a lot of extra movements which can target your muscle and cause them to start building.

Improving on the sport you choose can make you feel good about yourself and encourage you to work harder. Plus, you gain new friends.

2. Be Flexible With Your Workouts

Change it up every so often to keep your session interesting and challenging.

The body gets used to the routine we carry out and, soon enough, they are not as effective as they used to be.

You need to change your exercises regularly to keep engaging your muscles and reap better rewards from your workout.

Studies have shown that you get more from a 45-minute circuit that uses the entire body than from a 75-minute routine gym workout.

Do you need a kickstart on your weight loss journey? This revolutionary diet is going to give you the ultimate ‘secrets’ on how to lose weight virtually on-command, and how to keep that weight from ever coming back.

In reality, The Flat Belly Fix will give you a new life. A life in which you are no longer embarrassed about your weight or body shape; a life filled with happiness and increased self-confidence; and most importantly, a longer and healthier life for years and years to come.

3. Say Goodbye To Stress With Yoga

The benefits one gets from yoga are numerous.

It is known to bring relaxation and ease to the mind and may also work to relieve pains and aches in the body.

The stretching techniques promote muscle and bone health while burning calories without even realizing it.

4. Go For Sprints

For the body to lose the weight it needs to and gain the right amount of muscle to form its shape, you need a combination of cardio and strength training.

Sprints are a good form of cardio. It is a fast way to help you burn fats throughout the whole body and activates the muscles in your thighs and legs as well, causing them to form beautifully.

The first 20 minutes of your cardio will burn carbohydrates in the body and, after that, you start burning stored up fats.

You want to sprint around 30-45 minutes a day to effectively see its results.

5. Take A Walk In The Park

When trying to shed off pounds, one thing you need to ensure is that your level of activity is higher than usual.

You actually want that to progress as well. One simple way to make sure you are burning calories every day is to take walks. Now, going to the park and walking your dog is definitely a good idea.

You want to hit at least 10,000 steps a day to make sure you don’t gain any extra pounds. Beyond that, you’re already losing. Try to brisk walk as well to get your blood pumping and your metabolism rolling.

Aside from these long walks, throughout your day, take short quick trips around the house or at work. Make your own coffee, print out your own report and grab your own meal.

The calories you burn add up and, at the end of the day, you’ve started to slash some pounds.

6. Track Your Progress Through Photos

Be shameless in your selfies! Yup, you want to be taking a lot of photos as proof of the awesome changes that are happening in your body as you persevere in diet and training.

Keep motivated by documenting your before and after photos.

It can be daunting when the scale does not show the progress we feel were making. That can dishearten us and keep us from going on.

Don’t let this happen to you. Snap away and keep yourself happy as you see the inches come off your tummy and your arms and legs take on the shape you want them to.

7. Fish Please

We all know that fish is good for the body. It is lean protein that will help us build our muscles without adding to the fat.

But there’s actually more to it than that! Fish has a nutrient in it called leptin which helps us burn stored up fat in the body and boost our metabolism.

Time to incorporate tuna and salmon in our daily diet and feel the weight drop.

8. Change Up Your Diet

Like our muscles, our metabolism likes a good challenge. As people, we usually like to eat the same thing over and over again.

It’s much easier to sustain with our fast lifestyle and we just get used to things.

However, if you want to make sure your metabolism is surprised and therefore always working hard, change up your calorie intake on a daily basis and the food you eat as well. As long as you have a balanced diet, that should benefit you and your digestion as well.

9. Plan What You Eat

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, you have to make time to plan for it.

Exercising is not enough. Your nutrition matters more. Take time at night to plan a healthy, balanced meal for the next day.

Incorporate fruits and veggies, lean protein and healthy carbs into your diet. It will do a lot in making sure you’re nourished and satisfied causing you to stay away from unhealthy snacks.

How To Get Rid of Pimples On Buttocks

Acne is an unpleasant condition, no matter the place where it appears. This affection ruins the general skin look and makes us hide our bodies. Baskets make us feel uncomfortable and sometimes we lose our self-confidence. However, there is nothing wrong talking about this issue. Although not everyone is talking about the pimples on buttocks, many of us face with this issue.

How can you prevent the pimples on buttocks?
  • Avoid tight clothes
  • Keep a proper hygiene
  • Do not squeeze them
  • But in case you didn’t prevent them, here’s a solution to get rid of pimples on buttocks.

What you need?
  • 6 to 12 aspirin tablets;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a quarter of warm water;
  • half a teaspoon of baking soda

How to prepare:
  • Crush the aspirin tablets in a cup then add the lemon juice to cover the aspirin powder (if you need more than a teaspoon you can add). In a separate bowl mix the water with baking soda. You’ll need them later.
  • After the aspirin has completely dissolved in lemon juice, mix thoroughly until you form a thin paste. Apply it in areas affected by acne and let it act for a few minutes. Then remove it with a cotton pad soaked in the baking soda water. If you feel any discomfort to the skin, rinse quickly with warm water.