
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

2 Weeks Hard Core 6 Pack Abs Workout Challenge

Sit down on yoga mat and lean back. Bend your knees and touching the floor with leg. Straight the arms on shoulders and bend your elbows. Keep one arm on another straight like genie does. Now lift the leg to arms and bring it back to floor. Do this genie ab exercise 40 times.

Now lay down slowly on yoga mat. Now twist the leg with each other and twist the arms as well. Bring the knees to elbows and elbows to knees. Squeeze your tummy when you do the crunches Do this eagle abs exercise 30 times.

Stay in lay down position and keep legs up in the air. Arms on the back of head and lift the head up. Now start kicking your legs like flutter kicks. Do this runaway abs exercise for 50 times.

Stay in laying position. Lift the head up. Take hands on over head on back (not up) then spread them and legs straight without touching the floor then spread them. Bring your knees to chest with help of your hands. Bring back legs to straight and spread and same as arms as well. Do this star abs exercise for 25 times.

Sit on yoga mat folding the knees and touching the floor with your legs. Lean back your upper body. Take the support from your arms keeping on floor folding the elbows. Now straight the legs up and take round rolling them like a clock. Do same on opposite direction. Do about 12 clock abs exercise

Lay down on yoga mat. Keep your one leg on another one and hold your hands together. Now rock your body from up to down and down to up. Do this hollow rock exercise for 15 times.

Lay down straight on yoga mat. Lift the legs up straight. Now drop one leg without touching the floor. Bring it up in straight up position. Now drop another leg and bring it back. Do this single leg drop for 25 times.

Sit on yoga mat. Keep legs straight touching the floor and lean back upper body. Keep the arms straight on shoulder level. Hold in this position as much as you can. Take your arm up and down one by one for 10 times. Then get back your arms in straight position and stay in this position as long as you can.

What Aloe Vera Does To Your Body: Why The Egyptians Called it The Plant of Immortality

Aloe Vera has amazing healing properties  and is known for centuries as  plant of immortality. Aloe Vera has 200 biologically active: vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharides and minerals that stimulate nutrient absorption.

Vitamins and Minerals
  • Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid and choline.
  • Also  B12, a vitamin that vegans can’t consume in high quantities .
  • Minerals:  calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium and copper.
  • Enzymes
  • Amylase and lipase used to  break down fat and sugar molecules.
  • Amino Acids
  • The salicylic acid fight inflammation and makes human body to function properly.

  • Heals wounds
  • Boosts the immunity
  • Regulates the blood sugar
  • Strengthens the urinary tract performance
  • Helps with reducing heartburn and indigestion
  • Improves the heart’s work and the blood’s quality
  • Hydrates the skin
  • Reduces rashes, boils, and other skin irregularities
  • Helps burns heal
  • Fills in wrinkles


  • A clean cutting board
  • A sharp filleting knife
  • An aloe plant
  • A clean plate
  • A clean cotton towel
  • A sterile glass jar
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • A food processor (optional)
Source: (24infochannel)

Cranberry Juice Detox Drink For Weight Loss -Detox Drink Diet For Weight Loss, Colon Cleansing, And Flat Belly

A fast-paced metabolism not only energizes your organs to perform their best, it also leaves you with a refreshing feeling and sheds that extra fat from your belly right away. One of the most effective ways to detox your body o cholesterol, fat and indigestion issues is Apple Cider Drink.

Having been used for decades as a natural remedy to maintain a healthy body, Apple Cider detoxifying drink boosts your metabolism, suppresses fat accumulation and suppresses your appetite. With its innumerable benefits and amazing weight loss results, Apple Cider Drink is a great option to consider if you’re looking to rid yourself of some pounds.

How Will You Benefit from Apple Cider Drink?

  • Suppresses appetite in a healthy way, making you feel full.
  • Works wonders on diabetic patients and reduces sugar level in blood.
  • Your helping hand in shedding extra weight quickly.
  • Quickens your metabolism and strengthens your immune system.
  • Leaves you with clear, silk-soft skin long term.
  • Reduces the possibility of cancer cells in your body and shrinks tumors.
  • Rids you of all the unwanted acne.

How does Apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?
ACV, as it is so called by health freaks, is  proven weight loss agent with its acetic acid element that targets body fat and melts it down naturally, as Carol Johnston tells who is currently the associate director of nutrition program at United States Arizona State University and also holds a PhD.

Mr. Johnston being equipped with professional knowledge in the nutrition field, says that as acetic acid is consumed by an individual in little amounts throughout the day, it fosters their metabolism to utilize fat to gain energy and not store it instead.

Source: (diyhealths)

8 Effective Skin Tightening Exercises To Lose Flabby Stomach

If you’ve got a little extra softness in your belly that you’d love to tighten, you’re in luck — it’s possible to tone a flabby stomach. With healthy eating and the right exercise, you can even create a stomach you’d be proud to sport in a crop top, at the beach or in skinny jeans.

Subcutaneous Fat:
The flab in your belly is likely subcutaneous fat, which lies just under the skin. This type of fat isn’t as unhealthy as the firmer, girthexpanding deep belly fat, but that doesn’t make it aesthetically appealing.

The problem with subcutaneous fat is that it’s notoriously hard to budge. You can’t spot-reduce it, but it will shrink when you reduce your overall body fat levels. Men should aim for about 10 to 12 percent body fat and women, 20 to 22 percent to see a noticeable loss in subcutaneous belly fat and acquire an overall fit appearance.

First, clean up your diet and participate in cardio exercise to help shed excess fat. Begin to include regular strength-training to build muscle, which helps you look more toned everywhere, including your abs. Targeted abdominal exercises also help create definition in your flabby belly that will be most apparent when you do lose extra fat.

Source: (20aims)

6 Best Essential Oils To Tighten Skin + How to Use It

Loose or Saggy is a result of various factors. It is a widespread problem, and many women are experiencing it everywhere. Loose skin occurs when you lose fat or after childbirth. For some saggy skin is a result of growing old or aging. Aging is a natural phenomenon, and it is constant to life. Nature itself has provided us with essential oils to tighten skin when they sag or go loose.

For humans, loose skin is almost unavoidable. The best we can do is to is to correct the skin when this happens by making it firm up. Skin tightening is, therefore, a form of anti-aging and pore-reducing treatment.

The process of skin tightening helps us to maintain a firm, taut skin. It also helps to minimize pores which then makes the skin to look fresh and flawless. Compared to the popularly expensive and chemical-filled beauty products, there are natural and healthy means that have been used to tighten the skin over time.

This alternative is to use essential oils. Cold pressing or steam distillation are the processes for the production of essential oils. They contain high powerful plant extracts that have medicinal and healing benefits.

Best Essential Oils To Tighten Skin

1. Frankincense Oil
Frankincense oil is beneficial in reducing the appearance of saggy skins. This oil is useful for the correction of age spots and the removal of sunspots. It helps to iron out the issue of skin discoloration.

Frankincense essential oil is severely potent in that it helps to shield the skin. It protects the skin from blemishes, large pores as a result of aging and wrinkles. Frankincense oil can strengthen skin and increase its defense tool against the invasion of bacteria.

This natural oil can reduce blemishes and improve appearance with age. Studies showthat it helps to reduce the appearance of scars, heal wounds and lift skin. It is useful for naturally removing surgery scars, improve healing of skin and oil dry skin.

How To Do:

  • Add six drops of frankincense oil to any carrier oil of your choice and apply topically to the skin.
  • The mixture can be used on any saggy part of the body like jowls or under eyes.
  • Remember to do a patch test first to avoid allergic reactions.

2. Neroli Oil
It is one of the best essential oils to tighten skin. Neroli oil contains a natural chemical called citral that helps in the regeneration of skin cells. It also helps to cause the growth of new tissue cells in the body while repairing old ones. This is possible because of its Citral content; which is a natural chemical that helps to renew cells.

Neroli oil decreases skin pores and increases skin elasticity, therefore making it suitable as a general anti-aging oil. It is useful for the creation of potent anti-aging masks and solutions. This oil is naturally effective without exposing the skin to any harms caused by most chemical skin treatments.

Source: (healthymeshape)